Flea Control Manchester
Professional Flea Treatment in Manchester, Stockport, Cheshire
Adult fleas live exclusively as parasites of warm-blooded animals, especially mammals, although birds may also be attacked. Whilst they show a certain degree of host preference, fleas are by no means specific and will feed on other animals in the absence of the normal host. In fact they tend to be more nest than host-specific, for whilst the adults may feed on the blood of a variety of animals the larvae require more precise conditions which are associated with the habitats and nesting habits of the hosts rather than the characteristics of their blood.
Cat fleas are responsible for many flea infestations, the remainder being attributable to a variety of bird and animal species. Wall-to-wall carpesting also provides a relatively undisturbed environment for flea larvae to develop, whilst the spread of central heating has served to ensure ideal temperature conditions.
Fleas can be carriers of disease or may transmit parasitic worms. The most serious infection which they can spread is bubonic plague, transmitted to man by rodent fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) which carry the causative bacillus from infected rats. In the past rodent fleas have been responsible for serious epidemics of the disease, notably the Black Death in Europe and Asia in the 14th to 17th centuries. Rodent fleas may also carry murine typhus and, because of their readiness to attack humans as well as rats, are probably the major flea carrier of disease. The dog flea is an intermediate host of the dog tapeworm , whose vertebrate host is usually the dog (occasionally the cat) but which can sometimes be transmitted to man.
Flea bites are identified as a tiny dark red spot surrounded by a reddened area. The bite persists for one or two days and is intensely irritating. First bites are not generally liable to cause serious reactions, but they may lead to hypersensitivity. Reactions are usually delayed following regular biting over a long period; there will then follow a period when reactions are immediate.
Selecting flea control measures depends to a large extent on the size of the problem. In many instances infestations of well kept houses can be easily traced to pests. Where this is not the case it is useful to establish the pest species. This will help to identify possible hosts and even the focus of the infestations. Control measures must be directed at the brood as well as the adult fleas.
Insecticides can be used to treat infested premises and protect them from reinfestation. In addition, hosts can be treated directly, or rodenticides employed.
Where rats and mice have been identified as the primary hosts in flea infestations, rodenticides can be used to control them and, indirectly, the fleas
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TREATMENT & CONTROL for fleas in Manchester.
Protec use an extensive range of products specifically formulated for the control of fleas.
Prior to carrying out treatment against flea, a thorough inspection or survey of the property, site or area should take place to decide on the extent and size of the infestation.
Adjoining areas should also be included in this survey (as rodents may travel from other areas to feed or drink then return to a harbourage).
PROTEC PEST CONTROL Manchester will treat the flea infestation using bait stations in safe locations. Mice are neophobic and may be reluct flea to approach DIY bait stations. Our pest control operatives are experienced in identifying and locating runs and places of harbourage, and the placement and use of bait to overcome bait shyness. We also provide tamper-resist flea stations, having regard to all the circumstances of the infestation, the premises, the people involved and with minimal disruption to business, where appropriate.
Protec Pest control can arrange to treat your flea problem, and offer a 24 hour 7 days week pest control service.
A thorough inspection of infested premises will ascertain the extent of the infestation, since the measures necessary for control will depend on whether the infestation is established and widely distributed throughout the premises, or recently introduced and likely to be more used.
To eradicate the infestation it will be necessary to treat the premises thoroughly with suitable insecticides, including the beds, other furniture and harbourages of infested rooms. A professional pest control organisation such as Protec Pest control who will treat your flea problem in a professional manner. Protec pest control cover Manchester, Stockport and cheshire for flea treatment. The detection and thorough treatment of all flea hiding places is a job which requires experience in order to completely eradicate the infestation and prevent recurrence.
Many people think they can treat the pest problem themselves, only to find that they make the infestation worse by purchasing household pest control treatments from DIY outlets (B&Q, Homebase, Focus DIY, Taskers, Wickes etc.) with a low dosage of insecticide. This may prove to be an expensive waste of time and money.
Protec Pest Control operatives are specifically trained to identify the causes of infestations and to provide an effective solution to your pest control problem with advice to prevent any infestation recurring.
Protec Commercial pest control Manchester offers a pest control services to hotels, restaurants, schools, offices, shops, factories and other commercial premises in Manchester.
Protec Pest Control use unmarked vehicles, to protect your privacy. Protec Pest control covers Manchester for residential, commercial, business & domestic pest control.